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Dr.  Veer P.S.  Awana
Asia Pacific Academy of Materials,  India




Dr. VPS Awana had his Ph.D. degree in High Tc superconductivity of Cuprates in 1994 from NPL New Delhi India, later he had several post docs/visiting Scientist assignments at Brasil, Germany, Australia and Japan before joining as a Scientist in NPL India in early 2003. Presently He is Chief scientist in NPL India. Dr. Awana received several awards for his research work on superconducting materials including INSA (Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad.) Young Sci. medal (1998), MRSI (Mat. Res. Soc. India) Medal-2010, DAE (Dept. Atomic Energy) India Outstanding Investigator-2012, Fellow APAM (Asia Pacific Academy of Materials) -2015 and more recently Fellow Institute of Physics –UK in 2022. Dr. Awana has published above 500 SCI journal articles with above 7000 citations and h-index of 42. His expertise is mainly superconducting and other functional materials including Topological insulators and allied quantum materials.

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